This week I received the greatest news a stage iv lung cancer survivor could ever be given. I'm now considered NED, No Evidence of Disease. I believed in small miracles. I now believe in great big, fantabulous, miracles.
But what does that mean?
It means that a little coughing fit from a tickle in my throat yesterday wasn't immediately followed by that little voice in the back of my mind. "Was that a lung cancer cough? Why am I coughing? Oh no, did my tumors and nodules return?" It's the same voice I hear after any twitch, ache, or pain in my back or legs.
But what does it really mean?
It means that all the tiny stars, nodules and tumors that were in my lungs and spine are not visible in my latest PET scan. They are gone. If you can't see them, there's no evidence of disease.
Am I cancer free?
Unfortunately, NO. I'm No Evidence of Disease. Currently there is NO CURE FOR LUNG CANCER. Until then, I will always have microscopic cancer cells, not visible on a scan, in my body.
If I'm NED, can I stop my treatment now?
Unfortunately, no. It was my chemo pill that helped shrink the tumors and nodules down to nothing. I will continue to take some type of targeted treatment for the rest of my life. The approach now is more like treating a chronic illness similar to diabetes or high blood pressure. The chemo pill will keep the lung cancer at bay.
I will continue taking my current treatment as long as it works. Studies show it's effective for an average of 12-18 months. There is already an FDA approved drug that I can start to take if that time comes. I've heard survivor stories of being on my current treatment for several years.
such great news - staying positive obviously works - happy for you!